Avoir un coeur pur

Publié le par Albert Dugas

Résumé: L’auteur cite le passage du sermon sur la montagne : "Heureux les cœurs purs, car ils verront Dieu." (Mt 5 :8) Cela semble simple, mais le message est important. Je vous incite (toujours l’auteur) à bien réfléchir sur vos pensées, vous pouvez enlever les impuretés de votre âme. Lorsque vous aurez fait cela, vous serez en mesure de communiquer avec votre gardien ou votre guide spirituel. En faisant l’effort de vivre avec un cœur pur , vous pourrez arriver à faire l’expérience de l’existence de Dieu.
Ryuho Okawa
The Starting Point of Faith
2. Be Pure in Heart
You may wonder how it is possible to encounter the supreme consciousness through the various experiences of your life. In the Bible, there is a sentence from the Sermon on the Mount that clearly explains the way to encounter God: " Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." (Matt. 5:8) This phrase has long been a source of comfort to Christians. For two thousand years they have believed these words of Jesus Christ, and made an effort to be pure in heart, so that they might indeed see God.
"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." This is very simple, but it is such an important message. I am teaching that by reflecting on your thoughts and making them pure, you can remove the impurities that overshadow your soul. Then you will be filled with the light of heaven, and you can attune yourself to the vibrations of the heavenly world. When you can do this, you will be able to communicate with your guardian and guiding spirits. This method is absolutely correct, and the state of mind you will experience as a result of this practice was actually taught by Jesus Christ two thousand years ago in Israel.
"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." Jesus was right. At the Institute, I teach self-reflective meditation to achieve this same goal. How can we become pure in heart? By bringing wrong thoughts back on track. If you have thoughts that would not please Him, you should reflect on and correct them; if you have done something wrong, ask forgiveness and feel truly sorry for your wrongdoing.
Human beings are prone to making errors and mistakes, but this does not give us the excuse to do nothing, for fear of making mistakes. Because we are apt to make mistakes, we should seek a right way of living through self-reflection, and with the aid of prayer we should try to correct our wrong thoughts and deeds. As you make an effort to live in the right way, remember Jesus’ words: "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."
In today’s world, many people seem to be living in accordance with their personal views of life. I wonder how many can see the value of being pure in heart. I guess not even one in a hundred. If you were to ask people in the street: "Are you making an effort to live with a pure heart?" it is very unlikely that you would hear any of them answer "yes." On a Sunday, if you were to stop a Chirstian on their way home from church, the probability might be higher, but once back into everyday life, it is easy to forget this ideal.
I encourage you to be pure in heart, and to refine your mind. As you make an effort to live with a pure heart, you may have mysterious experiences, and come to feel the existence of God. You may witness miracles.

Publié dans Spiritualité

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                 Cher Albert,<br />  Connaissez-vous Léandre Lachance et son livre (avec Jésus!) :"Pour le bonheur des Miens, Mes choisis", (3 tomes, édité sur internet), je vous en recommande la lecture, destinée forcément aux coeurs purs !<br />  A bientôt.<br />                        Fraternellement. Florence-Lucienne<br />      Ps : je vous suggère, et je vais faire de-même de crée une page réservée aux commentaires ne concernant pas directement les articles, ce qui permet de mieux les gérer (c'est une idée).<br /> Au fait, je n'ai pas lu votre texte ici,en anglais, mais deviné seulement son contenu, j'espère que je ne me suis pas trompée ..., mais je ne crois pas! ;-)
Bonjour, je ne connais pas les livres dont vous parlez. J'en prends note. Merci. Je m'excuse du retard à répondre je ne vérifie pas souvent cette boîte de message. Merci pour vos commentaires et vos suggestions.<br /> J'ai un autre blog sur l'histoire de ma famille, c'est une famille fondatrice de l'Acadie. Je vous donne l'adresse.<br />  <br /> http://le-coing-des-familles-Dugas.over-blog.com<br />